Courses Archive

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Vaisnava Paramparas in brief This course is an undertaking in glorifying the 4 vaisnava paramparas and their various branches with regards to their glorious history and meticulous philosophy, with special emphasis paid to varnasrama dharma and their relevance to our sampradaya. This course is split into 4 modules with 2 sub-… Nara Narayana Rishi das English
Ancient techniques of Rain Prediction Rain prediction or "Pravarshana nimittas jnana" is an ancient branch of knowledge in Vedic literatures. Billions of dollars are spent by the governments and companjes to send rockets above the ground and send reports on movement of clouds. But we see that the meteorological departments can hardly… Bharat Chandra Dasa English
Basic First Aid Techniques First aid is the first assistance given to a casualty for any injury /illness before the arrival of an ambulance or Qualified medical person or paramedic or before arriving at a facility that can provide professional medical care .First Aid is provided to preserve life ,prevent the condition from… Vamsi Vadan Das English
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 - 18 (Bhakti Sastri Unit 3) Hare Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  "If personally I have any credit in this matter, it is only that I have tried to present Bhagavad-gītā as it is, without any adulteration. Before my presentation of Bhagavad-gītā As It Is, almost all the English editions of Bhagavad-gītā were… Vishnurata das
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 - 12 (Bhakti Sastri Unit 2) Hare Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  "If personally I have any credit in this matter, it is only that I have tried to present Bhagavad-gītā as it is, without any adulteration. Before my presentation of Bhagavad-gītā As It Is, almost all the English editions of Bhagavad-gītā were… Vishnurata das English
Bhakti Pravesh Le Bhakti Pravesh (porte de la bhakti) nous introduit aux principes des Vedas et de son essence, le bhakti yoga suivant les enseignements de Srila A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Il nous permet de bien comprendre la position de Srila Prabhupada en tant qu'acarya fondateur de l'Iskcon, de l'… Devarshi das French
Bhakti Sastri Le Bhakti sastri est une étude chronologique (avec une approche d'une étude thématique) des 4 livres traduit par Srila Prabhupada: Bhagavad gita, Sri Isopanisad, Nectar de l'Instruction et du Nectar de la Dévotion. Cette étude nous aide à comprendre qui est Krsna, Dieu la Personne Suprême, qui… Devarshi das French
Bhakti Sastri (Bahasa Indonesia) Dalam kursus Bhakti Sastri ini kita akan secara sistematis mempelajari empat buku yaitu Bhagavad Gita, Sri Isopanishad, Sri Udeshamrita dan Lautan Manisnya Rasa Bhakti. Tujuan dari diadakannya kursus ini yaitu untuk memperdalam ilmu pengetahuan kita dalam filsafat kesadaran Krishna dan juga untuk… Vishnurata das
Bhakti Sastri (English) In the Bhakti Sastri course we will systematically study four books, namely Bhagavad Gita, Sri Isopanishad, Nectar of Instruction and Nectar of Devotion. The aim of the course is to familiarize devotees with the philosophy of Krishna consciousness, and also to enable devotees to understand Srila… Vishnurata das
Catuh Shasti Kala - 64 Traditional Arts an Introduction Cultivation of various arts helps us build a divine culture of positive and blissful engagement of our mind, body, intelligence and ego in the service of lotus feet of Krsna. Lack of cultivation of such arts leads us to animalistic civilization of dry speculation and fruitive mentality. Indeed arts… Bharat Chandra Dasa